
" The Northwest Baptist Church exists to cultivate a greater love for God and others through God-glorifying worship, Christ-centered living, and serving others"


Love God and serve others

Jesus taught that the foundation of Christian behavior is loving God with every fiber of our being, and loving our neighbors as ourselves (Lk. 10:27; Mt. 22:37-40). At

Northwest Baptist, we seek to develop and disciple the whole person to love God more each day by submitting our entire lives to Him. In addition, we seek to love our neighbor more and more each day through speaking words of encouragement and truth, by practicing intentional acts of selfless service for others, and by always seeking to reconcile everyone to the gospel of grace.


Paul taught that God’s glory was to be the chief motivation behind everything we do, even the little things (1 Cor. 10:31). Therefore, every aspect of our ministry, from our worship music to preaching, from our Bible Fellowship Groups to our Wednesday night Fellowship dinners, from our relationships with our friends and family, to our relationships with others; we seek to do everything to bring glory to God.


The Bible teaches that everything that has been created was made by and for Christ, and is forever sustained by him (Jn. 1:3-4; Col. 1:16-17). At Northwest Baptist Church, we believe that God is most pleased with us when Christ is exalted in everything we do; from how we build and sustain church unity, to how we give of our time, talents, and treasures to His church, to how we parent our children, to how we pray for and with one another, to how we support the ministry, and to how we share the gospel with others.

Serving others

Jesus taught that our selfless love for one another will prove to everyone that we are truly his followers (Jn. 13:35). Therefore, true Christian living is expressed through love for others through other-directed acts of service. This includes, but is not limited to, sharing our material possessions with one another in the church and with those in need, praying for and with one another, caring for the sick and needy, speaking the truth in love, helping one another overcome sin in their lives, teaching each other gospel truths, forgiving our brothers and sisters when they sin against us, and meeting together frequently to stir up love and good works among the body of Christ (Heb. 10:24-25).

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